Jacobs VinFast

Submit a personal data request

We value your privacy and believe in your right to make informed decisions about your personal data. If you would like to make a request related to your personal data, please provide the following information.

Which right are you invoking?

We need some critical information from you to process your request. We use the data given here exclusively to process your request. Data fields marked with * need to be completed, as otherwise we cannot process your request.

In case you file this request on behalf of another data subject, please provide a signed authorization of this person together with proof of identity

By sending this request I confirm the following: I am entitled to make this request because it relates to the processing of my personal data or because I have been authorized by the data subject to whose data the request relates. The data contained in my request are accurate and correct. I am aware that the request, including the data contained therein, will be processed in order to respond to my request.
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